Saving the planet without the bullshit : what they don’t tell you about the climate crisis / Assaad Razzouk

Author : Razzouk, Assaad
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Saving the planet without the bullshit : what they...

Have you heard that you should go vegan to save the planet? Or carbon offset your flight to mitigate its effects? Or invest in an ethical pension plan? What if you were told that such actions make little difference at all? In Saving the Planet Without the Bullshit, Assaad argues that for too long green activism has been unfocused and distracted, trying to go in too many directions, focussing on individual behaviour. But all these things, are dwarfed by the one big thing that simply has to happen, very soon: namely, massively curtailing the activities of the hydrocarbon and petrochemicals industry. Full of counter-intuitive statistics and positive suggestions for individual and collective action, this ingenious book will profoundly change how you view the climate crisis

Publisher : London : Atlantic Books
Publish Year : 2022
Page : 295 p
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