Collaborative Creativity : Educating for Creative Development, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Author : Robert Kelly
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Collaborative Creativity : Educating for Creative ...

Collaborative creativity in education: from theory to practice As the world undergoes massive change, education systems need to prepare students to work collaboratively for innovative solutions that benefit everyone. This preparation means fostering a culture of collaborative creativity from early childhood to postsecondary education. Robert Kelly shows exactly what collaborative creativity in educational practice looks like. He clarifies the conceptual architecture of collaborative creativity, and then delves into how this new educational ecosystem can take root. He invites us into his own program in teacher education, where graduate students come to grips with, and talk about, a project whose success depends on collaborative creativity. Between chapters, Kelly presents conversations with experts in collaborative creativity and related fields from around the world

Published Date : Dec 13, 2021
Publisher : -
Page : 187 Pages
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