The 2% rule to get debt free fast : an innovative method to pay your loans off for good / Alex & Cassie Michael

Author : Michael, Alex
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The 2% rule to get debt free fast : an innovative ...

Alex and Cassie present their incredible, effective and revolutionary 2% rule to get you out of debt the way they did themselves.According to, the average American has over $15,000 in credit card debt alone. With such staggering debt, paying off loans can seem like a dream that will never be realized. Alex and Cassie, owners of the blog Thrifty Couple, were once $100,000 in debt, but were able to pay off over $85,000 in three and a half years just by adopting their life-changing 2% plan. The 2% Rule to Get Debt Free Fast implements a plan that involves the incremental increase in income and a decrease in budget each month, with details about finding your own "why" for getting out of debt, how to overcome mistakes and how to ultimately change your lifestyle for good. Alex and Cassie's blog, The Thrifty Couple, has over 366k Facebook followers. While other plans can help you conquer debt in the short-term, the 2% rule will change your lifestyle so that you never have to struggle with debt again

Publisher : Salem MA : Page Street Publishing Co.
Publish Year : 2017
Page : 191 pages
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