For the Greater Common Good : On the Business of Development

Author : Akanksha Sharma
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For the Greater Common Good : On the Business of D...

What happens'in the name of development'?Who's winning-companies or countries?Are we underestimating the power of philanthropy?Can we have prosperity without profits?What are the equations between politicians, plutocrats and'others'in between? In the present global economic order, more than one-third of the 100 largest economic actors today are private companies, and not countries. CEOs of international corporations are seen as dominant players in a country's economic (and often, foreign) affairs. Yet, despite the growing importance of multinational corporations in international relations, there is an equally loud demand that companies contribute towards the agenda of sustainable development. A close look at this scenario reveals a complex interplay of government policies, external relations, multilateral/international organisations, societal needs, etc. For the Greater Common Good raises an important question-what are those complex systems that are running the world? It aims to deconstruct the blurred boundaries among businesses, governments and foreign policies to redefine the development agenda of nations and institutions. It discusses these less talked about intertwined threads of the business world, policies and diplomacy that impact the common man and details the entire ecosystem from a unique perspective, forging solution for development. Can we offer a shared future for everyone? Can we make this a better world? Read on to know more!

Published Date : Dec 15, 2021
Publisher : -
Page : 170 Pages
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